Pengaruh Manajemen Kualitas Total Pada Kinerja Operasional

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Andhika Wahyu Pratama, Nang Among Budiadi, Bagus Ismail Adhi Wicaksono


This study aims to determine the effect of the elements of total quality management on the
company's performance Gethuk Take Timus Putri. This study used survey and questionnaire
methods to collect data. Data collection using non-probability sampling technique with a total
of 43 questionnaires that can be processed. Testing the research instrument, using SPSS and
testing the hypothesis using multiple regression analysis. The results of the analysis show that
H1, H3, H4, and H5 support the effect on operational performance except H2 and H6 do not
support. The results showed that simultaneously the elements of quality management affect
the operational performance. While partially, focus on customers, continuous system
improvement, education and training, employee involvement and development have a
positive effect on operational performance. Meanwhile, the obsession with quality and
teamwork has a negative effect on operational performance.

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